Tylers Age

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Thursday, September 11, 2014

1 month to go!

The fourth member of our family is due very soon. It is 930 pm and this little tiger is kicking and wiggling right on schedule.  Always super active at this time of night.

Mama got her pelvic girdle issue all sorted out with the help of massage, chiropractic,  and reflexology.  Thank goodness. It's so nice to be able to move again!  Now to wait to have my tracheal web removed after baby is born and I will also be able to breathe!

Papa is set to meet a specialist for his celiac and hernia. I know, it seems like we're falling apart! Don't worry tho. All will work out and life will be better than ever.

Tyler has started going to the new day care in the afternoons. He is still adjusting to being away from mom and dad but I know the socialization will do him very well. He is such a sweet little boy who loves babies. (And cars, stars, buttons, dogs, horses, cheese, music, dancing and being outside.) At times I feel so sad knowing soon he will not get all mom's love and attention to himself anymore.  My little rascal will have to share mom with the new baby.

But hurry up little baby. We can't wait to meet you. You are coming to a family of wackiness and love. I love you so much and can't wait to share our lives with you.

Monday, May 12, 2014

Time flies!

Momma is pregnant again, due Oct 13.  Tyler turns 1 year in 2 days on May 14.  Wow where does the time go?  We just survived another Mothers Week at the shop - thank god for friends, staff and family!  The dogs are getting old, 10 I think this year?  Although Sara still manages to escape from the yard.  what a dog.  The horses are, like the dogs, neglected.  Babies and pregnancy aren't good for animal husbandry for me apparently.

Tyler is getting more independent all the time.  He entertains himself exploring his surroundings, whether it be at home, the shop or outside.  He feeds himself finger foods.  Do not even THINK about spoon feeding him.  Thats for babies and he won't stand for it.  He loves dads shoes, Roomba, opening/closing doors, chasing rolling objects, dogs, fish, music and eating.  Naps and coddling are low on his list of likes.  Crawls at the speed of light, climbs stairs, walks assisted and stands alone occasionally.  He has about 10 words he says a lot.  He still such a happy guy, even when those teeth are giving him a hard time.

Today Sean is rebuilding the arbour over the hot tub while Ty and I had Doc appts and play in the front yard and inside as its kinda chilly today.

Saturday, April 19, 2014

First easter

Its hard to believe that tyler is almost year old. he now has 6 teeth, crawls at the speed of light, walks along the walls and furniture and lives to open and close all sorts of doors.

And Mama is pregnant with baby number 2 do around Thanksgiving.

So looking forward to summer. Starting the fun with a cookout at the pasture tomorrow with the schmidt family.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Tyler is 6 months!

The little guy has grown so much! He and I have been back to work for 2.5 months. He eats 2 meals/day which consists of cereal, veggies, meat and fruits. All mushy of course. He drinks water from a sippy cup and often holds it himself, with gusto I might add.

He rolls over and can sit up. He has one bottom tooth and I think the other will cut through soon. He LOVES it when his dad reads to him at bedtime while I hold him. Tyler is such a smiling good natured boy. People always ask if he is always so happy. Honestly, yes.

Hes not always the best sleeper and will resist naps like you wouldn't believe. Car rides help. He lives for the jolly jumper and his exersaucer. Great fun!

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Back to work after 105 days

Little Tyler is growing so fast!  he is 3.5 months old:

  • already has a stamp in his passport
  • partied in Vegas
  • wears 6 month old clothing
  • has started to grip things and bring them to his mouth
  • LOVES his crinkly tail books.  still likes his bears though
  • has figured out the Jolly Jumper and LOVES that too
  • the hot tub is one of his fave ways to wind down
  • rolls around, babbling away
Tyler is at the flower shop in the afternoons with his Mom and Dad.  He is pretty well behaved.  Plays in his playpen or sleeps in the carrier on moms chest while she works.  Life is good for a little boy.

Sean is working at the Distillery as a distiller.  He comes home with all these technical terms and 98 degrees this and that which might as well be Tyler`s babble for all I understand of it. He`s enjoying it.  Hopefully Sean will be able to join Rachel and Tyler at the shop most days.

Rachel finally got out for a ride on Friday one cool evening with Krystal.  It was wonderful to be out and back on a horse again!  We take Tyler camping and he plays outside while Rachel picks raspberries and beans, but its nice to have some time away from babbling boys too.  Especially ones that still like to wake every hour in the night.

Our house and yard (and dogs) are taking a back seat and look like hell this year.  We try, but we can`t quite seem to keep up.  We`ll get there.  The little one gets more independent every day. (already! too bad not at night though).

Thursday, August 15, 2013


Vegas was hot, 40 degrees! He slept pretty well despite the noise and heat.

Grand Canyon

Such a good traveller!