Tylers Age

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Baby is technically full term

This little squirt is playing me out! Yawn. Its getting more difficult to put in decent time at work. I wake up so early sometimes I need a nap before coffee. Just saw the Dr who thinks the baby is dropping. The babies heartbeat is slower which apparently happens before birth. I'm waiting for this burst of energy I keep hearing about...

Monday, April 1, 2013

35 weeks...

Ok, I'm starting to get a little frustrated at this whole pregnancy thing.  The baby is amazing, but the physical part is more of a nightmare.  BOO HISS.  Being huge, cumbersome, breathless, uncomfortable, not sleeping, always peeing and totally exhausted ALL THE TIME really sucks.  That said, I'm not so sure that I am ready for a new baby to be here stealing all my waking moments either.  I guess its too late to go back isn't it?  The idea of a baby is wonderful  someone to cuddle and dress up...  Tho in reality this kid will keep me awake, pee/poop on us, has already wrecked my body, drive us to the edge of our...what?  See.  There goes my brain again.  You can't even get something down on your blog before the baby eats the thought right out of your head!

Sigh.  (baby wiggles on) Its like being taken over by an alien being, and you have no control and I, for one, feel very frustrated with my restrictions, yet I want to do IT ALL, RIGHT NOW.  This is when a nice glass of wine would really help a girl out.  But I guess I'll settle for chocolate milk.  Or I'll be really out there and have a berry milk!  Oooo.